You are in charge of your yearbook for your class and you are wondering what type of photos to include? In this article, we propose you 8 different pictures for a yearbook and we give you some tips to make them original! We also briefly talk about the app which makes it possible to layout your photos very easily … Happy reading! 😉
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Student portraits are a classic! Usually these photos are taken on the same day as the class photos. We all know that day very well … When you get your best outfit ready for the photo of the year but an unsightly pimple miraculously appears in the middle of your forehead, just that day. And then, that embarrassing moment when you have to pose alone in front of the photographer (and 30 people looking at you), on an uncomfortable stool and that you “put on your best smile” after 10 failed attempts for lack of keeping your eyes open. In the end, this photo is often the most used in yearbooks on the individual pages dedicated to each student. So, you might as well practice in front of the mirror!
Class photo
The second great classic of the yearbook is the class photo. These photos are perfect for introducing class sections. For example, you can create a class 6A intro page that features the class photo, and is followed by individual pages for each student in the class. Ditto for classes 6B, 6C, etc. To be a little more original, you can plan a rather serious / academic class photo and a more fun one where everyone is making faces. There are even some graduate who dress up for the occasion!
Group pictures
Group photos are a the best way to get each student to appear the most times throughout the yearbook without cluttering the yearbook with thousands of individual photos. Besides, there is no lack of opportunities to take group photos during the school year: various activities, options, excursions, committees, the rheto ball, the 100 days and other events of all kinds. Photos with friends taken outside of school are also welcome to fill out the individual pages. Whether it’s a grimace, a super star smile or a double chin (always ask for the person’s consent before using the photo), any occasion is good to strike a pose together!
If you want to know where this yearbook tradition is coming from and what exactly is a yearbook your can read this article!
Schooltrip photos
The schooltrip photos are those pictures you don’t want to forget. It can be the graduation trip or a small excursion, trips consolidate relationships and create great stories! It is the perfect timing to take loads of group pictures, also with your teachers in a more relaxed extra-curricular context!
Babies pictures

Why don’t you add a more fun part in your yearbook ? At Yearbook Memories, we offen suggest the students to add a picture of them when they were babies to create a section Guess Who ? The point of the game is to guess which baby is which student. The answers can be found either at the end of the book or written in small backwards at the bottom of the page. It’s a great way to liven up the yearbook reading and show how much the students have changed since their childhood.
Teachers photos
As for the students, the teachers are also entitled to have their individual portrait! In general, the teachers’ portraits are integrated on one or two pages at the beginning of the yearbook. What the students also find entertaining is adding photos of teachers when they were students themselves. It’s a great way to compare generations (and especially hairstyles)!
Screenshots and selfies
What’s trendy right now, and which the students really appreciate, are the screenshots and selfies they send to each other on social media like Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. The creation of the yearbook is therefore the ideal time to bring out these funny pictures, without filter or with filter.
Finally, to spice up their yearbook with even funnier content, some have fun creating photo montages of their friends and teachers on programs like Photoshop. The point ? Layer a face on a unicorn body, for example. Laughs guaranteed!
Here are the 8 types of photos that we recommend to include in your yearbook to make a fun and original memory! Of course, you are free to make your choice and let your creativity speaks…
To help you create your yearbook, Yearbook Memories also offers students and teachers a web app that allows you to create your yearbook online! It is a very simple tool that allows you to quickly add photos and create original photo and text montages! For more information about creating yearbooks online, feel free to check out this page or this article on the subject!
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